Statistics, symptoms and shopping queues

So firstly a few statistics:
  • 9640 diagnosed cases in the UK at the time of writing this blog (so number maybe higher) 
  • 465 deaths in the UK at the time of writing (so could also have changed)
  • In spain, 4089 are dead, and they have had to use an ice-rink as a temporary burial ground. 
  • 10k ventilators made by Dyson have been ordered for UK hospitals 
  • 500 beds of 4000 should be ready for the Nightingale Hosptial, which will be in the Excel building and ready for next week.  A 'tusnami' in numbers are expected of Covid-19 patients in London. 
  • Finally, free parking has been granted for all NHS workers, but they still do not have enough protective equipment at the time of writing. 

I, myself did not have a good night last night. I slept badly and had some coughing episodes, although these have not carried on today. I have a splitting headache, and have felt very fatigued. My throat is dry and my peakflow/spirometer has dropped by half, so I am more breathless than usual, but not enough to worry about yet. I have contacted my carer to find out how her symptoms started and it seems mine are starting in a similar path, but  I am about 5 days behind her. Whether I just have a bug is out for the jury at the moment. If I become feverish with worsened cough, I will know for sure.

I decided that I must now self-isolate from today and masked up, but did not bank on such long queues to get into Sainsbury's and Tescos. Sainsburys' was very badly stocked, and I could have got all the items I bought in there in Tescos, which had a much longer queue as social distancing was being strongly enforced in all shops. I got the last of my drug restock and hope that will last me for a bit. I think it will be clear how I go over the next 24-48 hours. I really missed my carer as the shopping was heavy, even with my trolley and it was cold - I went without my jacket and the shops were all on the shaded part of the street, which didn't help.

My friend who is living on a boat in France sends her partner to get the shopping as she is in a vulnerable group - and I would have sent someone else, but to be honest with such a large shop (in the end) it just wouldn't have been possible. I can't get deliveries online as I am not in the Government listed 'vulnerable group'. Otherwise I would have done that for sure.

So I will sign off for now. Still no post - I spoke to a postman who lives on our street and even he couldn't answer when we'd get some!


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